Sunday, July 26, 2009

One day in Paris, favorite places

A number of slowmoves posts mention passing through Paris, mainly from London on the way to somewhere else in Europe. Of course slowmoves means making the most of the places or are on route. There's a fun article we found about one day in Paris, it might give you some ideas if you are looking to spend a bit of time in Paris before heading on.

Aside, I highlight a couple of personal favourite things in Paris (without detailing the number one and known Musee D'Orsay):
  • Lots of tourists swarm the island in Paris, home of Notre Dame Cathedral. But far too many overlook its adorable little sister, the quaint Ile Saint Louis just a few steps away. Read more
  • Pass through the hidden doors of the La Mosquee Hammam and the culture and heritage
    of the Byzantine era presents itself.
    Read more
If you have any favorite things to do for a day or night in Paris, we would be delighted to hear from you.


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